

本中心推出了免費的「Writing with AI」諮詢服務,提供不同線上批改軟體小幫手,幫助你獲取快速批改建議與寫作整體表現評估。

諮詢服務再加碼!若需要額外回饋諮詢,可報名進入第二階段「個別回饋」,與經過專業訓練之諮詢員(AI-Powered Tutors)討論AI回饋意見並確認修改方向。



Writing with AI網址https://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/wt/

Writing with AI 線上報名https://regi.awec.ntu.edu.tw/ai/member/member.jsp



Writing with AI

Are you tired of never-ending revisions on your English writing assignments, theses, or journal manuscripts? Let us help you succeed academically with the little help of our free AI-powered writing assistants and expert tutors!

Our Writing with AI service offers instant feedback and personalized one-on-one AI-consultation with a variety of free AI-powered writing tools and our highly trained expert tutors. Dont let the fear of writing hold you back enhance your work and achieve your writing goals today.

Limited seats are available, so register now to secure your spot and experience the magic of Writing with AI.

To register, simply visit our website at https://www.awec.ntu.edu.tw/wt/ or click the link below. We cant wait to help you take your writing to the next level!

Writing with AI Online Registration: https://regi.awec.ntu.edu.tw/ai/member/member.jsp